My Early Picture Book Pink
SỐ TRANG: 16 TÁC GIẢ: Mind To Mind NHÀ PHÁT HÀNH: Mind To Mind ISBN 13: 9555480585000 This joyful book is a unique collection of words and pictures depicting everyday life and matters arounds it. The book enables the young child to familiarise himself or herself with
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SỐ TRANG: 16 TÁC GIẢ: Mind To Mind NHÀ PHÁT HÀNH: Mind To Mind ISBN 13: 9555480585000 This joyful book is a unique collection of words and pictures depicting everyday life and matters arounds it. The book enables the young child to familiarise himself or herself with the common pictures and words in his or her early years. The book acts as a wonderful vocabulary development tool and will keep the learning child entertained with the informative, intriguing and educational contents.
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